Day 9: Sansol to Viana

Today’s distance: 13.6 km
Total distance: 164.7 km.
Elevation gain: 349 metres
Weather: Mostly sunny; cool
Highlight: Two Sore Feet!
I added 1 km onto the All Trails statistics because I forgot to start recording until I had walked to the nearby town of Torres del Rio.
Not many pictures were taken today because all I could think about were my sore feet! It’s funny (not funny ha ha) how something as tiny as a blister can cause such pain! Help wasn’t available at the farmacia because they close at 2 PM on Saturdays. The sign said nothing about Sunday hours, so I assume it won’t be open at all. My only chance to get help at the farmacia is on Monday morning before leaving Logrono. It would be easy to apply Compeed to a heel blister that is somewhat flatter, but how on earth do you surround a baby toe with it? I shall soon find out. Maybe I’ll even show you.
One pilgrim showed me how the Compeed is helping her blister problem. It looks like a solid plastic shield. The warning given about using Compeed is to let it wear off naturally. If you force it off, more than the Compeed will come off. Sounds ugly, doesn’t it?! There won’t be a restorative pedicure happening very soon…
At least I made it to Viana from Sansol today, even though Logrono was my scheduled destination. That would have been a 21.0 km walk and I was done after 13.6 km.

I am staying tonight at the Andres Munoz Municipal Albergue. Originally a monastery, it was acquired and transformed into a pilgrim hostel by one of the great amigos of the way, Andres Munoz. It is a big facility with 54 beds in four rooms. It has a big lounge/kitchen/dining hall.
I was going to write, “This Albergue is nothing to write home about…” but that’s exactly what I am doing, isn’t it? I could complain (but I won’t) about how dark my room is and how there were no paper sheets to cover the rubber mattress and pillow. Instead, we should all be grateful to have a bed, shelter, shower, and a place to make a meal, all for only 8 Euros.
Fabio, a fellow pilgrim who hails from Italy, invited three of us to join him for spaghetti dinner. He also provided the bread, lettuce/olive oil/salt (simple salad ingredients), and vino tinto. He said the vino cost only 1.5 Euros. He squeezed the bottle empty!
Since Fabio spoke no English, he used his translator to let us know that the tomatoes in Spain are not as good as the ones in Italy, so he substituted with ketchup. Surprisingly it was very good pasta with sauce and pasta in equal quantities. The Japanese pilgrim who took this selfie with the rest of us in the background said it was the best pasta she has ever had!

12 thoughts on “Day 9: Sansol to Viana”
Too bad about your feet. That is the thing about long distance walking. Everything has to work and be pain free. Feet, ankles, knees, hips, back, and shoulders; any one part hinders the journey. Some add-ons to those may include stomach ache, head ache, cold, hot, wet, hunger, backpack weight, wind and accident. Our next adventure will be on a cruise ship.
But truthfully, we tend to remember the Camino as being our greatest adventure because of its challenges, history, religious atmosphere, fresh air and its camaraderie. Getting there from far away places is the worst part.
Hi Dave! So many things can go wrong on an adventure like this. So far it is just three blisters. Everything else is great. Yes, the Camino has been our greatest adventure and everyone I’ve met along the way feels the same way. I can hardly wait until you come and start the journey too. Who knows what’s ahead? It’s a mystery to be discovered.
Hi Judy. Have just read all 9 of your posts this morning, having been away ourselves, and I have enjoyed your words and pictures so very much! Your photos, especially the ones of the stork, the yellow canola fields, the ancient stone buildings, the quaint narrow streets, and so many more, have taken me right back to our travels in Spain and France. I think your iPhone is perfect for taking pictures, because you can take quick, candid ones, notably all the shots of your fellow travellers and the wonderful-looking food and drink. That wine fountain series was amazing!!! So sorry about your blisters, as I remember how debilitating they were on the West Coast Trail. Hope the Farmacia can help when you get there. Thanks for all the sharing- – -such hard work on your part but so appreciated by your armchair followers! Enjoy!!!!
Hi Cathy! I’m so glad you are enjoying the journey and that it can bring back memories of your travels in Spain. It’s such a wonderful country and so are the people.
Oh, Judy. I feel your pain. I know only too well how a little blister can ruin a perfect day. Hope you get the attention you need to keep on going. Marnie
Thanks, Marnie! I’m hoping for the best to treat my blisters (three on one foot now). I know where the bus stop is but I hate to let these blisters get the better of me!
OMG , I hope your toes etc improve. You must complete your Camino goals .
I’m certain you will. Be kind & forgive yourself .
You are amazing ! To walk + write about the Camino & to paraphrase a 1966 Clint Eastwood movie ‘The Good the Bad & the UGLY’ is amazing .
Thank you for sharing .
Hi Trudine! Isn’t that the truth: “The Good the Bad and the UGLY!” The ugly part will hopefully improve with the help of the pharmacist.
Hi Judy. What a trooper you are!!! Am enjoying your humour and your wit!!! Wish there was something us armchair travellers could do for your blisters. Hopefully you will get some help and some relief. Loved the photos today. Trek on – ever so slowly.
Hi Kathryn! I’m glad you enjoyed these photos. I will get help for the blisters tomorrow and can even take a bus part of the way tomorrow if necessary. I am so excited to see what’s ahead.
Just caught up with you after missing several days of your blog. Sorry to hear about your blisters and foot problem. Hopefully you will get what you need to fix the problems and get back into your routine. Am loving the photos and descriptions of the areas, the highlights, and of course the people and the food.
Take care, Judy.
Thanks, Pat! I’m glad you are enjoying the blog. With any sort of luck I will solve the blister problem today. Everything else is great.