Day 19: Pedrouzo to Santiago de Compostela

Day 19: Pedrouzo to Santiago de Compostela

Distance Today: 20.5 km
Total Distance from Oviedo: 349.1 km (All Trails)
Official Distance from Oviedo: 321 km
Elevation Gain: 541 metres
Weather: Sunny; warm/hot
Highlight: WE DID IT!

A funny thing happened to us late yesterday at the Noja Rooms 2 in Pedrouzo. We lost our clothes! We checked in, got cleaned up, washed and hung our clothes on the clothesline conveniently located outside our second floor window that overlooked a walled courtyard. We had no clothes pegs but there was no breeze so there was little chance of them blowing off, right? Wrong!

When we returned to our room later and went to bring in our clothes, we were surprised to find everything with the exception of two odd socks down on the courtyard floor. We tried to find access to the courtyard, but there was none – at least not from our building. No door led to the courtyard.

There is only a part-time receptionist at this pension and she was gone for the day. We could find no phone number to call in case of a problem. Dave considered his options and decided to speak with the neighbour whose yard backs onto the walled courtyard. There was a language barrier, so Dave got nowhere.

This morning we left a note for the receptionist explaining the situation and asking her to try to retrieve our clothes and send them by courier to the address of our next destination in Santiago. Until we get them, I am left with only the leggings and shirt I have been sleeping in. Great! At least they are comfortable!

Hoping for the best outcome to this unfortunate situation, we set off just past 8 AM. The first part of this final day was through the dense forests of eucalyptus. We would have appreciated more eucalyptus trees when we got nearer the city where asphalt and crowds took over and the temperature was rising.

Pedrouzo to Santiago de Compostela

Apparently bus loads of tourists are let off to walk the final stage into Santiago so no wonder the trail was like a busy highway during rush hour. Two people on my left were trying to get ahead of the people in front of them and cut close in front of me, nearly causing a fender bender.

In addition there were cyclists going high speed along the trail, stirring up dust. They often shout “Buen Camino!” to announce their approach but not always. It’s best not to waver when you walk!

As we came into Lavacolla, many pilgrims were taking turns washing at the tap below the church. The water most likely comes from the stream where medieval pilgrims came to wash and purify themselves before entering the city.

Pedrouzo to Santiago
First view of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela 
Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela 

We arrived in Santiago at 1 PM, relieved that we survived the long journey but tired, hot, and thirsty. We’ll return tomorrow when we are fresh and not overwhelmed by crowds.

We were anxious to locate Gloria’s House Pilgrim Rooms where we will be staying for three nights (121 Euros). What a beautiful view we have of the city and the accommodation is top notch. A perfect place to relax. No more boots and poles …Ahhhhhh.

View from Gloria’s House Pilgrim Rooms, Santiago
Gloria’s House Pilgrim Rooms, Santiago

P.S. Bonnie, it doesn’t always rain in Santiago! ๐Ÿ™‚

17 thoughts on “Day 19: Pedrouzo to Santiago de Compostela

  1. A well deserved bit of comfort to celebrate the completion of this journey! Congratulations! Hopefully your MIA clothing showed up. If not, good reason to go shopping. ๐Ÿ˜‰


    1. Hi Marjorie! Thanks you so much for following our journey!!! We are definitely in a celebratory mood now with our Compostelas (certificates). We’ll be out howling at the moon tonight… ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Judy & Dave,
    “Yes”, you did it again!!!!!!
    Congratulations on completing your journey.
    Oh, the wonderful memories you will have.
    Hugs, Florence

    1. Hi Florence! Thank you so much! We’re thinking about the next one …a three-day Japanese Camino next April to qualify for a dual Compostela (certificate). Sherpas to carry your stuff and hotels followed by a cruise all the way home… Interested? ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Congratulations you Two !!!!
    Yaaaay that bed looks so inviting. Enjoy. Dave is loving it.
    You are looking good in your PJ’s girl.
    Go get some new clothes.
    How gratified you must feel. Can’t wait to hear all your stories when you get home.
    Have fun in Finesterre and Muxi.
    Lucky you, no rain in Santiago. Cathedral looks great without scaffolding.
    Safe travels
    Love B

    1. Hi Bon!! I will post a picture in my new wardrobe soon. You would have loved the drumming performance (200 drummers?) at the back of the cathedral. What a setting! Will try to post the video. Off to Finesterre and Muxia tomorrow.

  5. I followed your entire journey. That was quite the route. Thanks for sharing.
    You wouldn’t happen to have an email address for Gloriaโ€™s House Pilgrim Rooms?

    1. We recommend Gloria’s House Pilgrim Rooms. It is about a 20 minute walk from the Cathedral in the direction of the pilgrim office: Rua Das Casas Novas, 92. The phone number is +34 606 34 85 69. I booked it through and don’t have an email address. Bus stop is directly across from Gloria’s House and they run hourly for 1 Euro each.

  6. Congratulations Mom and Dad!! What a great journey you’ve had. Enjoy your luxury accommodations…well deserved!! I hope you got your clothes back but perhaps a shopping trip is in order anyways! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Hello, Judy,

    I enjoyed reading about your Primitivo Camino, and remembering some of the same places I stayed last October.
    I was disappointed you did not meet David from Bodenaya, as he is a Saint, sent to do God’s work!

    Buen Camino!


    1. Hi Gary! Iโ€™m glad you enjoyed it. Iโ€™m sorry we didnโ€™t get to meet David from Bodenaya. He wrote such a lovely response when I wrote to cancel. We would have had to wait an hour during a rain storm for the albergue to open so we walked on. Weโ€™ve never been so cold and wet as we were that day! ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

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