Day 6: Viana do Castelo to Vila Praia de Âncora
Breakfast this morning at our hotel was absolutely the best – an incredible buffet, with hot and cold options. As if that wasn’t enough, Cole Porter tunes were being played live on the grand piano. Totally satisfied, we set off for what we thought would be a 22 km cocoon-in-rain-ponchos kind of day. It was for much of the day.

Instead of taking the Coastal Camino route, we took the “Litoral” route, hugging the ocean’s edge most of the way. The weather was cool, with the wind whipping around us. Dave was particularly happy about the wind, calling it ideal for capturing videos.

We were concerned about the lack of coffee stops or washrooms on the Litoral route, but after ten kilometers, we came across both at a small, bustling café with steamy windows. After another nine kilometers, we found the local version of “Jiffy Johns” locked, so we decided to get Uber to take us the final four kilometres. Within minutes, Pedro arrived and whisked us off to Vila Praia de Âncora, navigating the steep, narrow streets that wound up the hill to Quinta da Quinhas. We were relieved not to have to tackle that uphill trek. Though we arrived before check-in time, our twin room with a private bath was ready.

We soon ventured out to find something to eat and were afraid we’d have to go back down the hill to town. Instead, we discovered a cafe just a six minute walk away. It was tucked into what felt like the middle of nowhere. Its menu was simple, with items we couldn’t translate, so we settled for something familiar: soup and a sandwich. The old man running the place was friendly, but spoke no English. His wife remained busy in the back. Just one other couple came in while we were there and left after a small cup of coffee.
As we ate, the proprietor was watching an American documentary with Portuguese sub-titles. It was set in a Las Vegas jail, with Spanish-looking gangsters. The show made for an oddly entertaining backdrop to our meal.
Before we left the restaurant, we noticed a potential fire hazard: a stove with a stovepipe that made a sharp right angle and exited straight out the side door. As we stepped outside, we were relieved to see the chimney taking another sharp turn to clear the roofline. Small, quirky details like this make for some memorable moments.

After we finished, we explored the area and realized the restaurant wasn’t as isolated as it seemed. A beautiful stone chapel sat perched on a hill overlooking the cafe. Curious, we climbed up to take a closer look. We even found a heart-shaped swing and couldn’t resist giving it a go, feeling like kids again.

14 thoughts on “Day 6: Viana do Castelo to Vila Praia de Âncora”
Awww what a lovely day and the Amor swing.
It’s ponchos and rain gear here today too. Bucketing down. Laced up the boots and got out anyway 👍
Happy to hear you are taking Uber.
Buen Camino
Glad to hear you got out in the rain, too, Bon! It’s not a problem if we’re dressed right. The swing was perfect for two people, really. I couldn’t reach both sides but Dave could. Just hoping my three pairs of socks dry overnight as we’re expecting more rain! 😳
Hola Judy and David. You are doing well. You know when it is time to call an UBER !! It is also raining in Vancouver. Hope that the sun shows up for you and us too. When we walked here we must have followed the coastal. We spent one night in Carreco ( the best accommodation for us). Looks like you chose good places too ! Well done. I love all your photos !!! Take care.
I would highly recommend our accommodation with breakfast in Viana do Castela – the best yet! ♥️
Judy and Dave, I so enjoy reading about your adventures. You have a lovely writing style Judy! And you both have such an enthusiasm for the Camino that I love, too. Cheers
Thank you so much, Lynskie! ♥️ 🙏 😊
Glad all is well !Wonderful photos of you & Dave . Buen Camino
Thanks so much, Trudine. At least it didn’t rain all the time so we could at least take photos. 👍 🌧️
Love that swing!! Sounds like you made the best of a rainy/windy day. Good for you both!
Just wanted to tell you, we put Larry on a plane this morning for Madrid. He’s going to start walking the Camino Frances (2nd time) on Friday!! It’s taken a while for him to make the decision, but he got clear that he would regret it if he didn’t go! At our age, we don’t know what will happen a year from now, eh?
You and Dave are my inspiration!!
Thanks so much, Toni! That’s great Larry starts the Camino Frances on Friday. It’s always my favourite and it’s such a good time of year to do it- less rain than in the spring and not too hot. 👍
Hola Judy & Dave. What an eventful day with windy rainy weather to ‘remind you to keep on trekking’! The hotel and restaurant in Viana do Castelo sound well worth the stopover and your pic of the tiny family-owned cafe with entertainment included sounded charming.
The photo at top of this page of Jesus, Mary & baby Jesus on a bike gave me a chuckle as perhaps they too knew when to call for an ‘uber’!
Keep on sending your informative, creative descriptions of your daily adventures. Love them.
Thank you for reminding us to keep on trekking, Maggie! It’s lovely, especially when there is no rain and wind – like today when we started walking the central route away from the ocean. Love the scent of eucalyptus in the forest! ❤️
Just a short note to say that Mac and I did a peak around your place just now and all is well! We are grabbing any flyers left at door.
Loving your posts and my friends from church want to meet with you here at my place when you and Dave come home. They are planning a Camino walk for May 2025. Also, they are following your travels and think your posts and pics are so amazing. Enjoy your journey! 🙂
Hi Elaine and Mac! Thank you for checking things out at home. We are so glad you and your friends from church are enjoying our blog. How exciting to be planning for a Camino walk next year. Comes with a warning, though. It’s addictive. 😂