Day 10: Cesantes to Pontevedra
We couldn’t leave O Refugio de la Jerezana in Cesantes without being featured on their Instagram page and taking family photos of our hosts and family, too. After that bit of morning fun, Dave and I hit the trail toward Pontevedra. Dogs were barking their goodbyes, roosters were crowing, and songbirds were in full concert mode. At 13°C, it was another perfect walking day. Before long we came to a beautiful view of the sun shining on Arcade down below. We were still waiting for the sun to peek over the eastern hill on the right to warm us up.

Not long after our coffee and orange juice break in Arcade, I spotted a pilgrim heading in the opposite direction, walking away from Santiago. She and I both froze! It was one of the pilgrims who stayed at Refugio Guacelmo when Janine and I were hospitaleras. What a surprise! Elmor had already walked to Santiago and was now doing the Camino Portuguese in reverse. She couldn’t believe how busy the Camino Portuguese was, saying it was more crowded than the Camino Frances, which she’d just finished. Unfortunately for her, Padron was fully booked, and she couldn’t find a place to stay.

That got us thinking. Dave and I will be in Padron in a few days and don’t have a reservation there. We had hoped to stay at the Convento de Santo Antonio de Herbón, about three kilometres outside of Padron. Since it’s donativo, they don’t accept reservations. After hearing about Elmor’s troubles, we might need to rethink our plan. The last thing we want is to be wandering around in Padron without a bed for the night!
After the mostly flat terrain of the Coastal route, we’ve discovered that the central route of the Camino Portuguese has a few sneaky hills to keep things interesting! We had one hill yesterday and today we had two more with an elevation gain of 150 metres each.

Now, a little confession—both Dave and I are guilty of multitasking while walking. Dave with his camera, and me dictating notes for the blog. A kind pilgrim today reminded us of the dangers of “walking while distracted,” especially with all the rocks and roots waiting to trip us up. Lesson learned: Look where you’re going!
After a long lunch break at Santa Marta, we noticed the trail had thinned out. Most of the stragglers like us were seniors, too. We figured the younger crowd had passed us by and were probably already settled in at Pontevedra and out exploring the beautiful, historic city.
We didn’t have as much time to explore as we’d hoped. We would like to have a second look at the famous Church of the Pilgrim Virgin, a beautiful scallop-shaped chapel that’s one of the most iconic sights in Pontevedra. But the good news is, we’re only walking 11 kilometres tomorrow. So, if we leave a little later, we’ll be sure to spend time checking it out before we hit the road!

We love our attic room at Hostel Charino in Pontevedra. We had originally booked two bunks in a small dormitory which look very nice, too; however for just an additional 20 euros we have a lovely private room with bath. The washer and dryer are free to use and breakfast is included.

7 thoughts on “Day 10: Cesantes to Pontevedra”
Judy sounds an amazing day! How funny you meet up with Elmor- Camino magic for sure!
Your room looks beautiful and so worth the little bit extra. Careful underfoot though
Did you manage to book something in Padron? Maybe you could call the Albergue to check if they have had full numbers each night, just to check, you may be able to find something else
I’m walking into Santiago tomorrow- hard to believe it! It has been a wonderful Camino thanks to you 🤗🤗
Thanks to you, too, Janine! We certainly made special memories together! I did manage to book a place in Padron: TERRA de Padrón which is right in the historic centre. It sounds good. You must now be in Santiago so a big CONGRATULATIONS! 🙌 🎉 😃 👣
That is so cool that you got to see again one pilgrim that slept at your albergue on the Camino Francés. You got a beautiful room. Maybe you show sleep with your eyes open !! LOL Ah! your are multi-tasking. I know how difficult it is to share photos or story when we are on the Camino. I enjoy so much following you. Keep multi-tasking but be careful to. Especially on the section after Armeteira. The trail is so so nice. I hope you keep getting good weather. We have good weather here too in Vancouver. I worked in the garden yesterday and today and now I am editing all my photos from the Camino Portuguese. Buen Camino dear friends.
It rained all the time we were walking today but it stopped when we went exploring Combarro and the sun even came out. Rain is expected tomorrow for our climb away from Combarro. We looked at the trail that seems to go straight up! Yikes!
We had heard so much about that climb that we were a little intimidated, but found it no worse than a lot of hills we had already climbed!
Outside Padron , we stayed at a lovely casa rurale called Os Lambràns. It is far enough out that they also serve dinner. Padron did look like a lively town as we were passing through though.
Hi Brenda! The place where you stayed outside of Padron would have been a good choice. I felt nervous about not finding a place to stay that I booked a place last night – TERRA de Padrón. Do you know it?