Day 16: Ventin to Santiago de Compostela

Day 16: Ventin to Santiago de Compostela

The weather today reminded me of our first arrival in Santiago back in 2015. It was raining and wind was whipping the autumn leaves around then, just as it was today. I thought about what I wrote then, words that still resonate:

“The rainy weather we got while walking into Santiago was consistent with my feelings of sadness that this amazing experience of walking the Camino de Santiago was coming to an end. It was the journey of a lifetime. How often do we get to be in a crowd of people all walking in the same direction and along the same path. Even though we don’t all speak the same language, there is an unseen bond between us. How wonderful it would be if all the world got together like this with one goal, one path.”

I have to admit, I was more relieved for the journey to end today than on our first Camino. After three days of heavy rain in the last five, we were soaked through, despite our rain ponchos. I knew that if we made it to the cathedral for the pilgrim mass at noon, we’d leave a puddle under the pew! But, as it often happens on the Camino, things didn’t quite go as expected.

We joined the long line of pilgrims outside the cathedral along with Sandy. When we finally made it to the door, Dave and I were told we couldn’t enter with our backpacks and had to take them to a nearby gift shop. Of course, “nearby” wasn’t specific enough—there are countless shops in the area, and we weren’t sure which one! To top it off, Sandy wasn’t allowed to hold our spot, so we’d have to start from the back of the line, still as long as it was twenty minutes before.

At that point, we decided to make the most of it. Instead of queuing up again, the three of us ducked into a nearby bar. What could’ve been a frustrating moment turned into a fun couple of hours of interesting conversation, laughter, and even dreaming up our next adventure—maybe Chaco Culture National Historical Park in New Mexico! Not the day we planned, but one to remember all the same. 😊

Later, we got together with Joy, a friend from Saskatchewan who walked virtual Caminos with us during COVID. Together, we’ll begin our trek to the ‘End of the Earth’—as it was believed 500 years ago. And so, our journey won’t stop after going 260 km on the Camino Portuguese, but will carry on for a few more days to Finisterre. 👣 👣

16 thoughts on “Day 16: Ventin to Santiago de Compostela

  1. Ahhh yes that is the Santiago I remember. Happy to be there with torrential rain

    Enjoy the end of the world. It’s an exhilarating view as you know.

    Hope you get dried out.
    Love B

  2. Huge CONGRATULATIONS, Judy and Dave, on another truly amazing accomplishment! We’ve really enjoyed following along with you these past several weeks. So many memorable moments and photos – – thank you for sharing your journey. Now on to the End of the Earth- – – ENJOY!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Cathy, for following us! 🙏 😊 We’re glad you enjoyed our journey. We’re now looking forward to heading home in a few days. Yay!

  3. I have been thinking of you. You arrived! You and David are amazing pilgrims. And yes, walking to the end of the world is something great to do. I am pleased you are having time to do it. Hopefully the weather will improve. Take care.

    1. That darned weather! Our walk to the End of the World will happen some other year, when Spain isn’t brewing for a hurricane. 😂 At least we are comfortable and warm and enjoying the view of the storm out there. Tomorrow when we move from Muxia to Finisterre should be better.

  4. WOW- What a journey. Congratulations Judy and Dave. Thank you for your amazing and beautifully descriptive daily report. Enjoyed them immensely. All good wishes – you two are awesome!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Sue. We’re so glad you enjoyed our journey. I’m really looking forward to putting together a “Photobook Canada” of this journey soon – something I’ve done with most of them. It’s always a fun project, getting to relive it all over again. 😃

  5. Congratulations on completing another Camino!! Yes, that rain does look intense 😅. Buen Camino on your journey to the end of the earth! ❤️❤️

    1. Thank you, Tania! This was our rainiest Camino but at least it was cool. What a treat we are having now, not having to pack up for three days. We’re looking forward to seeing Lorne and April in just four days. Yay!

  6. “How wonderful it would be if all the world got together like this with one goal, one path.” ❤️
    Bravo Judy and Dave! 👏🥳

    1. Thanks, Marjorie! We’re wondering if this might be our last Camino that we walk. Volunteering is the next best thing. 🤔 ♥️ 👣

  7. Congratulations Judy and Dave! I’m so excited for you that you are going to Finisterre. We have loved that final push to the end of the world. I sure hope the weather improves for you.
    Larry will be arriving in Burgos tomorrow!

    1. Hi Toni! It looks from the map of Hurricane Kirk that is it effecting all of northern Spain. How is Larry doing where he is in Burgos? There are warnings for pilgrims to stay put. 😳

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